Monday, June 06, 2005

they're coming in fin by fin

I've decided to revive my blog

I just spent twenty minutes composing a fucking nobel literature prize winning entry to this blog and managed to kick the power chord out from the back of this dodgy little dual 867 tower. I'll just put that down in my PRO column for buying a laptop shall I?

drunken blogging

I'm fresh back from a weekend in moroington (predictive input thought that that's how you spell it, and it kind of appealed to me so it stuck) I was so off my head while i was down there, floating around in a hazed out self obsessed little bubble = a bit like being stoned. I don't know whether it was the recovery from the spectacular night which was the first inaugural MUSUL staff karaoke and trivia night, or the shock of being surrounded bt 5 million extended family the day after, but i really felt like an alien this weekend. Beautiful to have the open fire in winter though, to hear pianos, uekeleles and guitars, to eat roast turkey, to be surrounded by arguing dogs and to see the delighted look on that bug's face - so cute he makes me want to vomit.

Apologies to mr. kemp who had his 30th birthdee last night, i was really looking forward to it, but family calls - that's the second party from that crew i've missed in as many months ... my god, they're going to forget who i am. I'm pissed off i missed a chance to give Officer Cadet M some schtick, fuck i'm gonna miss him when he moves to duntroon.

In other news, i'm listening to the DRONES - all day every day - who are easily my most fabulously favourite band ever, even better than the afghan whigs - and that's saying a lot seeing as how i've never met another afghan whigs fan in my life.

I also have a new phone after two spectacular incidents. First was being on my way to work at seven thirty in the morning completely missing my handbag and throwing the trusty old nokia to the bitumen between brunswick street and argyle street. Now, i've spilled cordial and coffee on this bitch,, i've been drunk and left her in taxis, i've left her at pubs, by the side of the road, i've dropped her and smashed it to bits,and i've had her for about 5 years.

I used to call her the transformer, because she would shatter if you so m uch as pointed it at the ground, but she would practically put herself back together.

However this particular smash was the end. I couldnt put her back together.

But I still had my sim card, which stored all my friends' phone numbers ... that is .. until ... TIM TRIED TO HELP .... apparently if you put the wrong pin number in more than 3 times you fry the SIM CARD.

why you would TRY MORE THAN ONCE is beyond me .. but thanks for the help anyway tim ;)

It's nearly 3 in the morning and i have to go to work in less than five hours - so much for going for a jog, thank god it's non teaching period and there won't be many students through the centre tomorrow - may actually be able to get some work done .. ding dong the witch is dead .....

big kisses to kerry who made me laugh so much on sat'dee that i thought i might have an aneurism, to mr. k and everyone who went to his birthday, to the funniest little one year old that i've ever met in my life and to all the ppl that made friday night work for us.

big get fucked to who ever's responsible for making johnston street a 40 k zone => to the police who towed my car three years ago after it was stolen, and ripped the speedo cable out from under it => to neall for promising for three years that you'd fix it and never did (amongst other things) => and on a completely unrelated train of thought to the ignorant little shits who barged up to the fourth floor of union house on friday arvo in an attempt to gather media (read blog-media) fuel for their doomed political careers.

until next time

"i aint philistine, friend or ally
i aint no ones fool 'cept mine
i aint big on talk or getting on
or tanning someone's hide

the drones, "The best you can believe in"


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