Monday, July 18, 2005

Someone in Uruguay was looking at our blog?

Well, you certainly have been a busy bee, Tchick. Brave-o and En-core. (Which reminds me. I have tickets to see Carmen in few weeks time, which is OK in itself, but d'you know that it's being performed in English? Is it just me, or is that a mite pleb? Doesn't everyone know the story already?)

Anyway, I had a go at some culinary genius this weekend , and spent some time with my hand up a duck's clacker searching for giblets. Then I picked gobbets of fat from around it's butt and the hole at the front where it's neck was before I wrenched it off and had to deal with a squiggly bit of what I assume was spinal cord. Exciting times, huh?

Remind me to learn how to post links to things that I think are interesting.


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