Saturday, October 29, 2005

Is 12" really enough ?????

I'm in the market for a new computer, preferably a Mac.

Though I haven't used one in a while, I have very fond memories of my first computer, a Mac Classic which is incidentally, still residing at the top of my wardrobe waiting to be
converted into a MacQuarium (a cliche perhaps, but a cool cliche).

But now I'm lost. I'm confused. And while tchick has provided me with lots of sound advice re this conundrum, I'm putting it out to the greater nerd community. I need help (mostly psychological) deciding which one - ibook v powerbook.

I need something light and small that I can travel with, play around with graphics on, watch some bad DVDs whilst in bed, study (ugh..homework), allow me to open and use multiple programs without crashing (I hate you Windows...), will last me at least 5 years without being 'old', be able to withstand some impact (I walk into walls a lot and occasionally drop things), oh and last but not least, something that looks pretty. Hey - come on, I am a chick. I don't have a lot of cash, but the good doctor is willing to buy me one for my birthday...and for other services rendered.

So, any advice would be mondo appreciated - remember that I am a computer civilian and can only understand small words.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had many Macs over the years (started in 1984 with a 128K original). I have three in the house currently, but my 12" powerbook rules the roost. I have both it and a 19" monitor sitting on my desk on articulating arms. I use a wireless keyboard (bluetooth) and mouse and it giveds me a large virtual desktop that handles all my needs and allows me to lay out all my palettes (photoshop) and mixing panels (Logic). I think that if you buy a 12" powerbook and then shop for a cheao 17" or 19" monitor, you'll be very happy. THe big plus is that it is so nice to just close up and hit the road.

2:06 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unless you need the power or lust too heavily for the screen, it has to be iBook. Although not the 12". It isn't enough. Spend up on memory and you'll definitely get 3-5 years. Memory is the RAM bit.

Not quite sure how demi-regal the buff white is...

2:22 pm  

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