Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Roll on 2007

My god it's been so long since I've posted here that I'd forgotten my password!

I doubt anyone reads this tired old blog these days. I know nick does, as he messages me from time to time to tell me how much it sucks.

A guy at work recently told me about a Firefox plugin called stumbleupon that discovers random sites for you based on a checklist of categories you nominate on setting up. I was amused to see "drugs" as one of the categories, but went right ahead and ticked them all to see what happened.

I wasn't really impressed by the whole "social networking" concept behind stumbleupon and was impatient through the setup thinking this can't possibly be of any interest to me. So the first site it discovered for me was Mouse Party (turn your sound down if you're going to click on this link, cause I'm telling you now, that music is eight kinds of annoying.)

Maybe it's because it's six in the morning and I've been awake since three, but this site is hysterical - it's a flash animated site featuring mice on drugs, clearly aimed at nerdy intelligent high school kids who want to learn what all those crazy drugs they're taking are really doing to the synapses of their brain. The site features a tank of mice havin a party. It reminds me a little of a comedian I saw once doing stereotyped impressions of different drug fucked people at a party - there's drunk mouse, stoned mouse, smacked out mouse, peaking mouse etc.

I've just dragged stoned mouse into the armchair and am listening to a very annoying american woman tell me about the body's own native canabinoid called annandamine. I had no idea ... you learn something every day. It's kind of making me want to smoke a joint though. Is that wrong at 6.30 in the morning?

I'll post a screen shot later when I can work how to use "Paint". Honestly - where's the fucking crop tool? Windoze is doing my head in. What's with all these beeping noises? seriously how do you people cope?

Screw this, I'm going to work.

well it's nice to be back in blogland either way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad to see that whilst I've been in sydney you've been blogging again. Much appreciated. Also have seen Mouse Party - love the mice.

6:00 pm  

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