Monday, December 05, 2005

And you know it's righteous stuff

I have waited 14 years for this.

Being underage sucked in 1991. Why didn't Freeza or Push or whatever lame-o organisation aiming to keep kidz off the streets and off the drugs and out of the maternity wards by promoting safe alcohol free spaces for them to rock out in arrange a Motorhead gig? Who actually wanted to see Frenzal Rhomb and Regurgitator, anyway? Or an abortion like Grinspoon? *shudders*

People with bad taste, I suppose. They're always spoiling things for everyone else with their populist demands for Bernard Fanning solo records and Green Day/My Chemical Romance tours.

Anyway, I am going to see Motorhead tomorrow night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regurgitator command some respect. At least they try new things from time to time. Musically Motorhead are pedestrian. Certainly no ambiguity about what you'll be getting when you see them. To me Motorhead are the UK's Kiss - meat an three veg Rock 'n' Roll. I guess there are those with poor taste and those who don't like to be challenged. Sure there is a big fact intersection of the two groups (Venn diagrams anyone?) but you prove that they are not one and the same group....

11:58 am  

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