Monday, August 22, 2005

Do normal people dream of espionage and Slayer?

A friend of mine just described a vaguely unsettling dream she'd had recently. And while many of you will roll your eyes thinking that 'there's nothing more tedious than hearing about other people's dreams,' you are dead wrong. One of my favourite pastimes is practicing psychology without a licence, and so taking my lead from Sigmund Freud, who didn't have one either, what easier place to start than with The Interpretation of Dreams?

Anyway, her dream was unsettling because it was so realistic - the things dreamt of could conceivably happen in waking life. And there was a particularly disturbing, not-quite-right twist making the whole thing a bit skin-crawly. Her dream-self was engaged in behaviour that her awake-self would never countenance. Plus she should have slapped that aggressive-aggressive bitch down when the threats were made! This only makes sense if you know the context of this dream, and client-therapist privilege prevents me from divulging more, even pseudonymously.

The short version of the story is that Ms X had a dream that was a simultaneously a reminder and part of the process of putting certain things to rest. Basically, her unconscious was burying a vampire or similarly ghoulish and draining entity at a crossroads with a stake through it's heart so it may never rise again.

I had a dream that I went to see Slayer, which is an occurrence that could likely happen IRL, but not soon enough for my liking. Anyway, for some reason they were playing the Hi-Fi Bar in Melbourne - which is kinda strange, considering that they'd easily sell out a bigger space. And it was also strange that the stage looked like a magic carpet bazaar - you know, like one of those Persian rug emporia that are constantly having going out of business sales. It was certainly uncool for proscenium curtains (which I doubt actually exist on the Hi-Fi stage) to keep sweeping closed, obscuring my view of the band. Thinking back now, it was more than odd that they didn't rock one tiny bit. But the truly unnerving part that made me shiver upon waking was that my dream-self was not unduly concerned by the fact that Slayer were not blowing my mind.

This is quite preposterous and I know that there would be no dearth of pure metal fury up our collective ass should Slayer ever tour here again. I woke up feeling all strange and out of sorts, and am now coping with the echo of that feeling by reliving it in this post.

Was it cheese before bedtime? What do Slayer represent to me? Why am I so infuriated by the the pictures of Buffy and 'gang' that clog up my screen when searching for images of Slayer? I realise that we have discussed dreams and dreams in the context of cheese consumption close to retiring on S?ITYS , but that was tchick's post and dream about prawns and this is mine about Slayer.


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