Monday, August 01, 2005

So, I did end up getting a QOTSA ticket

Due to 'popular' demand, I was going to review the show for y'all, but reading DAOILP's Euro scene guide has kinda put me off. Plus, it was a week ago, and I've forgotten quite a lot about it, which probably says everything about the show - except:

1) there was too much emphasis on songs from the new records and not enough of the old stuff. No 'Regular John', 'How To Handle a Rope' or 'Mexicola', despite the constant adjurements of the bogan standing next to me. Just play it next time, guys!

2) There would have been time to play 'Regular John' et al if the band didn't indulge in unnecessary soloing and improv like they were Led Zeppelin or somesuch. I love QOTSA, but as a band they greater than the sum of their parts because each part is competent, but not genius.

3) I didn't see this myself (see '3)'), but apparently Josh Homme was wearing the tightest jeans eva and has unfeasibly large cods. Is anyone really surprised? I personally never imagined Josh being anything other than extremely well-hung.

4) I didn't see the Josh pants action because the show was at the Palace and unless you are as tall as Josh Homme, you can't see the stage. Especial thanks to the girl with the big perm who decided to squeeze in front of me and block what little view I had... until I kicked her in back of the knee to encourage her to move on.

So was it worth the stress, the frenzied bidding on ebay, and the lurking on rock'n'roll related message boards, pleading for a ticket? Despite my bitching, yes, 'twas good.


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