Wednesday, August 31, 2005

the challenges facing modern youth

This is a conversation I heard whilst waiting to cross the road into Uni this morning. It was between two girls, no more than 19-20 with percelain skin and immaculate hair.

"So like that's it for me, I'm just not gonna drive my car any more 'cause petrol's gonna be a dollar thirty."

"Oh my god how come?"

"'Cause of what happened in America"

"What happened in America?"

"well only like a massive tornado ripped through half the country and like totally flattened it. Thousands of people are dead, millions of people are homeless."

"Oh my god when did that happen?"


"Shit. What's it got to do with petrol though?"

"Dunno, suppose that's where we get petrol from."

I wonder what they're studying? I was really enjoying them and wanted to hear more but I couldn't follow them without feeling like a creepy stalker. Still giggling about it now.


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