Thursday, November 10, 2005

Do you ever actually do ANYTHING on Friday night, 'cause I've never seen you out

Tuesday's post urged you to do something righteous; thanks to all who made submissions. I'm aware that it will do sweet fuck all, bit it's still important that our dissent go on the the record. (And it's certainly not the end of this fight, as least if Aleks has anything to do with it).

Today, on the other hand, I'm urging you to do something hedonistic and sinful. What are you doing on Friday night if you are not coming to the From Hell album launch?

For the measly sun of $8, you'll get:

Catwalk Syndrome (rock fury!)
Sons of Lee Marvin (rock fury!)
Devilrock Four (rock fury!)
FROM HELL (psytrance fury!)*
Psycho 78 (Melbourne's premier Misfits tribute act!)

So, what are you waiting for? That's a whole lotta great bands, and of course there's Benno channelling the spirit of Cliff Burton. Unfortunately, the proposed Satanic marriage of Ando From Hell and Roxy the From Hell mascot won't be occurring because we decided that a loud, smoky club full of drunken rock pigs was no place for a small and rather sweet dog. Any other time, Ando. I'm licenced and I am ready in the name of Euronymous, Fenriz and Baal.

Oh yeah, starts 8ish at the Green Room, Elizabeth Street.

* Not psytrance, more rock fury. Sorry to those who may have got their hopes up.


Blogger tchick said...

My God Countess, Stop the Press, have you read about this?

"In an emergency session Tuesday, members of the Supreme Metal Council strongly condemned the increasing use of the metal hand sign in lay society, claiming that its meaning has become perverted by overuse."

"I remember a time not long ago when the Devil Horns were reserved for only the most righteous of person, deed, or riff," Grand Elder Lemmy Kilmister said. "To see someone throwing the horns to his mate at the launderette because the clothes dryer came to a full stop just as he finished reading his copy of Circus... It breaks my heart."

Click here for the full article

10:40 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I happened to see the tail end of a set being performed in North Court here at Uni a week or two back. The band whose name I didn't get launched into Motorhead's "The Ace of Spades" but without Lemmy's trademark mic adjustment that usually indicates that song's next. I have to say I was disappointed by this oversight but can at least report that these guys weren't throwing around The Sign willy nilly so I guess that would please Lemmy.

Anon Bogon.

12:48 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are the Beastie Boys supporting?

9:10 am  
Blogger knifey said...

god i love devilrock four.

maybe i'll even come along.

2:47 pm  

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