Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I think I've fallen in love with Egon Schiele

The post otherwise known as "Would you wear this on a first date?"

Reclining Woman with Green Stockings
Gouache and black crayon on paper
11 5/8 x 18 1/8 in. (29.4 x 46 cm)

Female Nude
Gouache, watercolor and black chalk with white highlighting
44.3 x 30.6 cm

Scornful Woman
Gouache, watercolor and charcoal with white highlighting
45 x 31.4 cm

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

birthday wishes around the world....

to our intrepid explorer and roving reporter Down & Out in Morocco and Spain:


for yesterday...wishing you 30 big ones - one for each year of your life.

Enjoy the path to Santiago pilgrim - and in the words of Albius Tibullus:

To the Genius of a Friend on his Birthday

Dicamus bona verba: venit Natalis ad aras: quisquis ades, lingua, vir mulierque, fave.
Urantur pia tura focis, urantus odores tener e terra divite mittit Arabs. Ipse suos Clenius adsit visurus honores, cui decorent sanctas mollia serta comas. Illius puro destillent tempora nardo, atque satur libo sit madeatque mero, adnuat et, Cornute, tibi, quodcumque rogabis.

Speak no ill words today, good men and women, as we honour our friend on his birthday. Burn frankincense, burn fragrant herbs from lands at the very ends of the earth, even those sent from Arabia. His own spirit comes to receive his honours, a holy wreath to crown his soft crown of hair. This pure nard distilled for his temples and, sated on wine and honey cakes, he gives his assent. And to you, Cornutus, may everything you wish for be granted. II.ii.1-9

Happy Birthday

Thursday, September 22, 2005

So, what are you doing this Friday night?

Wondering what to do on Grand Final Eve? I strongly urge you to see:

The Blacklist's first show back from their Eurobloke Tour was insane, not least because Benno From Hell filled in on bass. I think I'm a little bit in love with him. Tragic fangirl or completely understandable? I'm too old for crushes of this type, and fear that I will eventually turn into a cougar.

Anyway, they're going to destroy the Tote on Friday night. And you should be there.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

men of SAGE calendar

is now available here in two versions: A Wall / Flip Version - Suitable for single sided printing and a desk version, suitable for duplex printing.

Thanks Nick for hosting it.

Enjoy the read.

Monday, September 19, 2005

how do people find us?

Someone just found this blog by google searching "Cock of Satan".

I'm so impressed.

It's a boy!

Congratulations Nick and Alina.

17 hour labour, all are happy and well.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

"Are YOU clean inside ?" aka the blog about bog

I admit it. I've been long fascinated by the idea of colonic irrigations. The idea of being able to wash out your insides and start again fresh, unmarred by the toy cars you swallowed as a child, or the chewing gum that accidentally went the wrong way and never emerged is tempting, albeit a little scary.

And now, thanks be to god, there is a miracle product on the market, Dr Natura's COLONIX Internal Cleasing Program, where testimonials to its success include quotes as notable as "We are having awesome adventures in the bathroom" and, "the death that existed inside of me".

There are three steps to this fabulous product (as taken from the site) -

1) the Colonix Intestinal Cleanser fibre supplement which cleanses the colon of accumulated toxic build-up and prevents the formation of new build-up through the use of herbal dietary fibre,

2) Paranil Anti-Parasite Support which helps to eliminate harmful parasites, including intestinal worms and their eggs from the colon and other parts of the body, and

3) Kleri Tea for Regularity and Detoxification which helps to restore normal bowel function and promotes regularity.

Judging by the thousands of testimonials on the site, there are a lot of people out there who are no longer constipated, bloated or riddled with worms thanks, to Dr Natura (who I'm sure is a qualified MD).

But wait....there's more. If you weren't satisfied by the photos of the smiley, bright people who festoon this site, there is a Picture Gallery that will no doubt prove beyond a reasonable doubt that this products not just works, it really really works.

Yes that's right folks, someone has taken photos of their poos, and has decided to show them to the world. Please be warned that what you are about to see may cause some distress and morbid fascination. Don't say that I didn't warn you....but do click on the link and see the amazing death that existed inside of them. I wanted to post the image of the bog on the blog, but decided that opening this blog may never be the same again.

As you can see, this was the death that existed inside of him and were this to be inside me, I'm pretty sure that I would want it out quick-smart as well. What amazes me is that he wrote a journal that describes his journey through detox, a fascinating study in itself. And from the artistic way he draped his faeces across the back of the toilet in order to capture it in the best possible light, he was a budding Picasso. I may have been interested in colonics before...but now I'm not so sure.

Consider the story of Zookeeper Friedrich Riesfeldt who fed his constipated elephant 22 doses of animal laxative and more than a bushel of berried, figs and prunes. The plugged-up pachyderm finally let fly. Standing next to his elephant, Mr. Riesfeldt suffocated under 200 pounds of elephant manure. Investigators say Riesfeldt, 46, was attempting to give the ailing elephant an enema when the beast unloaded on him.

"The sheer force of the elephant's unexpected defecation knocked Mr. Riesfeldt to the ground, where he struck his head on a rock and lay unconscious as the elephant continued to evacuate his bowels on top of him," said flabbergasted police detective Erik Dern. With no one there to help him, he lay under all that dung for at least an hour before a watchman came along, and during that time he suffocated. It seems to be just one of those freak accidents.

Now that is some poo.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Am I Demon?

There’s crazy shit all over the Internet because there are some very bored and underemployed nerd-types who are quite savvy about database construction. Some things, like the Boob Name Generator in tchick’s last post, are hilarious; others are just silly and irrelevant to my life, because not being a nerdy fan of Tolkien, I'm not really interested in a hobbit name.

I had lots of fun with this Black Metal Band Name Generator a couple of days ago. Bow down before the True Black Metal Power of Sinful Goat and Fluffy Cannibal, mere human scum! (Warning: will likely only amuse those familiar with the genre).

And then I stumbled across a test designed to work out how evil you are, and to give you a heads up as to which of Dante’s picaresque levels of Hell you will be damned.

I have been consigned to Level 6, the City of Dis. As a Heretic, I am apparently an Extreme sort of sinner.

Doing this test made me think that I am often quite reckless about the status of my immortal soul. Lately, I have committed various sins like:

Owning this

(No. 577 of a Very Evil and Limited Run of 666, if you please!)

Talking about:

Listening to:

I read my horoscope, and the horoscopes of others (thou shalt not covet they neighbour’s sign, goddammit!)

I had impure thoughts about


and about starting a Master Race of Redheads with

I spent too much money on:

while people around the world starved and didn't have the vote.

I ate lots of

and too many

and so much

that I had to have a lie down because it was difficult to breathe. This was also while other people starved etc.

I wished painful deaths upon this man and his followers :

This is Fred Phelps, founder of the Westboro Baptist Church, Kansas. The WBC are better known as the fine and upstanding, casting-no-stones and judging-not-lest-they-be-judged folks at (no linkage for them!). Did you know that Hurricane Katrina was God's Judgment on the people of New Orleans for being tolerant of homosexuality? Neither did I.

I fantasised about the imminent demise of loads more dickwads, but can't be bothered finding images of everyone that fills my heart with the blackest of hate.

And while I didn't smite him down, I harboured most uncharitable thoughts about:

Way to distract people from real issues like the sale of Telstra, Mark. Please stop biting the hand that fed you so well; as far as I can tell, you have never had a job outside the ALP machine. Especially be more respectful of Gough Whitlam, a leader of principle and vision, quite unlike yourself and your unquestiong commitment to the merits of the Blairite Third Way (clue: there are no merits. It's neo-con economic policy gussied up in the language of Maya Angelou).

oh, and I left the house dressed like this:

what are your boobs called?

Mine are called Bambi and Thumper.

Get your own Boobie Names

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

tchick has seen the light

Yesterday I frightened a friend of mine by mis-typing the address of this blog and sending him off to My friend dryly commented that if this was indeed my blog then he had been unaware that I was a full-on committed Christian. For those of you that know me, I invite you to take a look at the site and try to imagine a world in which I would be responsible for it.

I took a few minutes to check it out this morning and was rather alarmed to discover that the end is nigh. The site boasts an easy to understand, user frienldy non profit site - nothing for sale. But I was laughing as I scrolled down the pageand next to the heading "The Soon coming Climax" is a banner ad for "Mate One Intimate Dating"

Monday, September 12, 2005

The Blog Next Door

More observant bloggers and nerd-types have probably noticed the 'next blog' function in the top right-hand corner of the screen. At least I hope it's the right side... I am notoriously bad at distinguishing between right and left - don't ever let me navigate while you drive if you want to get to your destination on time and/or not hate me for the rest of your life.

So I clicked 'next blog' to see who our neighbours in the 'sphere are. In real life, I am not a particularly neighbourly person. I mean, I'm not the kind of neighbour that Today Tonight devotes segments to, and I don't have too many (indeed, I don't have any) cats, but I've never really cultivated my neighbours. To be honest, in my last place, I actively wished a protracted, painful death on the hippy who lived upstairs and her idiot child, but they truly deserved my wrath. In my darkest moments, I was tempted to shop her to Child Protective Services in the hope that they would remove her screaming brat to a place far, far away from me. But that would have been mean and most likely bad karma, though I was curious about how she would explain away her spawn's propensity to scream from 2.ooam 'til dawn every morning. But I didn't, partly because of the effort involved (ringing a toll-free number and leaving an anonymous tip-off seemed too fearsome a strain) and partly because I moved away. It's now some other poor tenant's problem.

Now I am very lucky to only have one neighbour, a very old lady from Mittel Europ who is always at home. She is incredibly - some would say unnervingly - quiet, and I get the occasional pang of guilt when I crank up Slayer or something else that I assume old ears would find obnoxious.*

Anyway, I don't have a long history of neighbourliness. But I was curious about the Blog Next Door. What would it be like? Where would it be from? I have my favourite blogs (the subject of a future post) - would 'Next Blog' belong to that esteemed company or would it just be blah like most blogs? Also, is 'Next Blog' always the same blog? Somebody knowledgable about the inner workings of, answer me!

To save you clicking on the next blog function yourself, S?ITYS's neighbour is Little Jonathan's Blog. Little Jonathan is 9 months old, and boy! does his Mommy like to take his photo and post them online along with charming captions about what she assumes is going on in Little Jonathan's head. Which, considering (a) Little Jonathan isn't even a year old and (b) Little Jonathan's Mommy is about as inspired and original as a Hallmark card, isn't much. For example:

This is the way I like to view the world right now. It's much more interesting from an upside-down perspective.

I feel for Little Jonathan on his 18th and/or 21st birthdays. American children have committed mass murder in the schoolyard for less.

* Please note: I only ever play loud music between the reasonable and lawful hours of 10am-10pm.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

the hotel concierge lost my luggage

I'm back in Melbourne now, and I am now the proud owner of only the clothes I am wearing on my back. So all you kids who give me shtick for wearing that spotty skirt too much, you're about to see a WHOLE LOT MORE of it. Suppose it could be worse, I could be locked up in a dark dank rat infested morroccan prison ... at least I have my freedom :P

I've had a glorious week in a five star hotel looking out over the Indian Ocean, broken up by worrying about our foreign correspondent, talking to sysadmins about OS X, lots o drinking and smoking (thanks pete) and a sodden rainsoaked foray into Fremantle.

The highlight of the trip was definitely the conference dinner at the Aquarium of Western Australia. I was surprised at how fun it is to wander around a an Aquarium at night tanked up on free booze and surrounded by IT nerds. Nick has posted some really good pics of the night on his blog as well as a very good running comentary, although i noticed he's taken down the pics of jelly fish and he hasn't mentioned redecorating my bathroom.

I'm trying to be very zen about losing every piece of clothing that I love, but for now I'm consoling myself with a very expensive bottle of scotch and am wondering what I might wear to work on Monday. It's been suggested by more than one person I know that I wear glad wrap and silver foil, so for all of you readers in Melbourne - pop up to my place of work on monday for some light entertainment.

I have some serious shopping to do in the morning and when I get back I'm going to be finishing off my "Men of SAGE" calendar. I'm currently trying to find some appropriate dancing girls for the background of February, so WATCH THIS SPACE.

over and out


Friday, September 09, 2005

what do nerds do at conferences

anyone up for some light entertainment?

I'm laughing so hard I think I've injured myself, the nerdfest that I'm at is just a little less geeky than this

debating whether to post some photos of it.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

easy tigers, joke

ok, ... let the abuse rollllll

Normal Programming will Recommence Soon

The team at S?ITYS are on a short hiatus while we wait for news from Morocco.

We assure all of our loyal readers that this break is temporary. We'll be back as soon as we get news from Morocco.

Basically, we want to know what the fuck is going on in Morocco. Randomweirdo and D&OILP - or friends and associates of same - please contact home and allay all our concerns and fears.*

* Be warned: if this is meant to be a joke, it's spectacularly unfunny.

Friday, September 02, 2005

oops it happened again

Please tell me randomweirdo is joking

Thursday, September 01, 2005

What are YOU doing tonight?

I think you should all come to this.

From Hell just signed to Warthog and they're pretty excited. I know it's a school night 'n' all, but boy do they rock! Sons of Lee Marvin aren't bad either. I can't vouch for My Left Boot yet, but I've heard good things.

Plus you just gotta see Benno From Hell, bass genius and the closest thing to Cliff Burton that those of us who never saw a pre-bus crash Metallica will ever know.*

* Unfortunately I couldn't find a photo of Benno - but trust me on this, 'kay?
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