Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Irrelevant post just for the sake of it

Just because I can, I suppose. And because I am monumentally bored. And maybe to revive Kissa and Tchick's interest in blogging - an interest, mind you, that they have boldly professed but have yet to actually demonstrate by even semi-regular blogging. (Clearly) I am bored, ladies. I'm at work and procrastinating. Entertain me.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Whilst my erstwhile compatriots question my dedication to the blogging cause - I can assure all of you that this is indeed not the case.

Countess - just because one does not always have the time to have a cuppa tea at work does not mean that one will lose interest in blogging as a new hobby.

Seriously - I spend more than 10 minutes trying to remember how to log into this damn thing to create a new post !!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Newsflash: tchick has second thoughts about sharing her portion of the blogosphere with Countess and Kissa

Well, YOU invited us here, tchick. Did you expect us not to post? I don't think either Kissa's or my occasional selfconscious posting will get in your way too much. Anyway, my money's on Kissa getting bored real quick and finding a new hobby, and you know that how fickle I am. You may have your blog back sooner than you think (bloody Indian giver!)

my blog's all at sea

So now we have the lovely kissa and countess on board, can i still use this blog to let the world know what's going on in my fascinating life? And can I still muse about nerdy things like this. Who else is going to join forces with them next?

I'm trying to set up a webserver at home, something I've been meaning to do for years, but I may need some time to recover from the shock of finding out that someone has already registered How funny is that site though. It cracks me up also that they're offering it for sale with a "Make us an offer" . What's a good price you reckon? I mean i desperately want to capture all the traffic that are searching for russian ladies, aussie singles and military personals! *pissing myself* Military singles? ha, I had no idea such a thing existed .... I wonder if cadet officer M. knows about this? And for those of you who are disappointed that the military personals link of the (imposter) site isnt working, here, I couldnt help myself ;)

Friday, June 10, 2005

I'm not scared of you and your tiny camera

Tchick, it is all your fault for inviting us to join your blog. I, for one, like the name of your blog and think it should stay.

Also, laydeez, I don't think we are really utilising this blog properly. If we want to discuss personal matters like borrowing cameras etc, then maybe we should email or telephone each other, and save the blog for posts of a more blog-propriate nature.

i may have a digital camera....

yes - as part of our little 'mini-break' the boy and i bought a new digital camera which has quite swish little features which will enable me to be able to capture in detail the foibles of my friends...

HAH HAH HAH - my evil reign of terror begins now.....

my blog's been hijacked

I've created a monster

can we think up a new name for this?

and kissa - do you ahve a digital camera = i want to start a sneakerwire blog

people i work with

read this blog ......

you guys make me nervous

this is getting out of hand now ...


Having only just posted the age old question of "To Blog Or Not To Blog", I am faced with the unique opportunity of not having to create my own blog but to symbiotically share one with members of the See? I told you so collective.

And thus, my career as an itinerant blogger begins. Here begins the forum for all those keep you awake at night questions like "Why do they throw sneakers up onto power-lines?, Why is every snow flake unique? and What do cats do at night?" and the beginning of relief for imsomniacs !!

But I digress...

Is sharing a blog somehow not as nerdy as having ones one blog ?

Thursday, June 09, 2005

All in good time m'dear

posting pics is easy countess, i'll show you next time i see you. Can't be arsed explaining it right here and now. They're obviously not working you hard enough down there at tuv. I wish I had the time to post on my blog during work hours .. .like my work colleagues.

I'm still recovering from being locked out of my house last night - without my phone. I think the universe is trying to tell me something => losing my work address book, my phone and all my contacts and now my keys. I tell you i was pacing aorund collingwood with a very fucking dark cloud above my head last night. Lucky ms. F and her crazy trivia crew were not far away at the grace darling trivia night. Sorry to the lovely ms mancuso for not getting back to you, i'm in a very dark mood, I've locked myself in my bedroom and have taken to playing very loud blues on my cheap and broken valenica guitar.

Laughing on the other side of my face (?)

After giggling at tchick's propensity to nerdom, I find myself (figuratively) at her mercy as I need her to show me how to put photos etc into any blog entries that I make. This was an unnecessarily nasty response to her kind invitation to join her blog. And I am very sorry, 'cause now I look the fool who doesn't know shit about modern technology.

I'm sure there are directions around here somewhere, but quite frankly I can't be arsed finding and reading them.

computerz, and those who both love and know how to work them, rule!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Sounds Interesting

You're right about the geekstuff, tchick.

*Stay tuned for further transmissions*

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


As if having a blog is not geeky enough, this morning i watched Steve Jobs' keynote address at the WWDC conference. It's actually worth watching the first few minutes just to marvel in bemused wonderment at the audience response he gets when he walks on stage. Someone actually yelled out "We love you Steve"! That's some serious hard core geekiness right there. Big thanks to Nick for texting me overnight to tell me that the rumours are true, apple are switching to Intel Chips. Since I can't see myself doing a whole lot of software development in the immediate future I can't really say it's going to have any immediate affect on my geeky mac life, but i'm curious to see how it impacts on apple sales over the next few years. Incidentally nick, your blog has inspired me to do something I've been meaning to do and host a site from home seeing as how i have SO MUCH SPARE TIME ON MY HANDS. Watch this space.

Monday, June 06, 2005

so i can't spell

thank you mr code project for pointing out that i chord has no 'h'. When i get some time I'll give you some schtick, right here in my geeky blog

they're coming in fin by fin

I've decided to revive my blog

I just spent twenty minutes composing a fucking nobel literature prize winning entry to this blog and managed to kick the power chord out from the back of this dodgy little dual 867 tower. I'll just put that down in my PRO column for buying a laptop shall I?

drunken blogging

I'm fresh back from a weekend in moroington (predictive input thought that that's how you spell it, and it kind of appealed to me so it stuck) I was so off my head while i was down there, floating around in a hazed out self obsessed little bubble = a bit like being stoned. I don't know whether it was the recovery from the spectacular night which was the first inaugural MUSUL staff karaoke and trivia night, or the shock of being surrounded bt 5 million extended family the day after, but i really felt like an alien this weekend. Beautiful to have the open fire in winter though, to hear pianos, uekeleles and guitars, to eat roast turkey, to be surrounded by arguing dogs and to see the delighted look on that bug's face - so cute he makes me want to vomit.

Apologies to mr. kemp who had his 30th birthdee last night, i was really looking forward to it, but family calls - that's the second party from that crew i've missed in as many months ... my god, they're going to forget who i am. I'm pissed off i missed a chance to give Officer Cadet M some schtick, fuck i'm gonna miss him when he moves to duntroon.

In other news, i'm listening to the DRONES - all day every day - who are easily my most fabulously favourite band ever, even better than the afghan whigs - and that's saying a lot seeing as how i've never met another afghan whigs fan in my life.

I also have a new phone after two spectacular incidents. First was being on my way to work at seven thirty in the morning completely missing my handbag and throwing the trusty old nokia to the bitumen between brunswick street and argyle street. Now, i've spilled cordial and coffee on this bitch,, i've been drunk and left her in taxis, i've left her at pubs, by the side of the road, i've dropped her and smashed it to bits,and i've had her for about 5 years.

I used to call her the transformer, because she would shatter if you so m uch as pointed it at the ground, but she would practically put herself back together.

However this particular smash was the end. I couldnt put her back together.

But I still had my sim card, which stored all my friends' phone numbers ... that is .. until ... TIM TRIED TO HELP .... apparently if you put the wrong pin number in more than 3 times you fry the SIM CARD.

why you would TRY MORE THAN ONCE is beyond me .. but thanks for the help anyway tim ;)

It's nearly 3 in the morning and i have to go to work in less than five hours - so much for going for a jog, thank god it's non teaching period and there won't be many students through the centre tomorrow - may actually be able to get some work done .. ding dong the witch is dead .....

big kisses to kerry who made me laugh so much on sat'dee that i thought i might have an aneurism, to mr. k and everyone who went to his birthday, to the funniest little one year old that i've ever met in my life and to all the ppl that made friday night work for us.

big get fucked to who ever's responsible for making johnston street a 40 k zone => to the police who towed my car three years ago after it was stolen, and ripped the speedo cable out from under it => to neall for promising for three years that you'd fix it and never did (amongst other things) => and on a completely unrelated train of thought to the ignorant little shits who barged up to the fourth floor of union house on friday arvo in an attempt to gather media (read blog-media) fuel for their doomed political careers.

until next time

"i aint philistine, friend or ally
i aint no ones fool 'cept mine
i aint big on talk or getting on
or tanning someone's hide

the drones, "The best you can believe in"
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